
5 days ago
5 days ago
As Daniel starts his set of videos on Genesis, he picks up where we have left off, going over, more in-depth, things we have talked about before-the cultural context of Genesis. With help from Tim Mackie and John Walton in an interview, they did a few years ago.
Listen to the Bible Project with Walton Here: https://bibleproject.com/podcast/genesis-1-2-origins-or-identity/
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61
Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
What is the Christian Imagination? | The Mission of The Belfast Podcast |
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
In this long-form discussion, Daniel and I walk through ways of seeing and ways of being, our mission for this podcast.
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61 Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
00:1:20-00:7:00-Daniel’s #5 (A Community of Prayerful Love)
00:7:00-00:12:20- Luke’s #5 (Jesus is Smart)
00:12:20-00:23:11-Luke’s #4 and Daneil’s #3 (Our God Bathed World)
00:23:11-00:33:39-Luke’s #3 (Dealing With Your Life)
00:33:39-00:45:50-Daniel and Luke’s #2 (Gospels of Sin Management)
00:45:50-01:00:12-Daniel and Luke’s #1 (Becoming the Kind of Person)
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61 I
nstagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Saturday Dec 14, 2024
A Social Gospel to the End? The Problem of Utopia | DC Ch. 10 | pt. 2| BP Ep 85 |
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
As we finish chapter 10 of The Divine Conspiracy, Daniel and Luke take on the second gospel of sin management, that of eliminating social evils. What does it mean to have this view of the gospel, and how does it affect what we think the end times will be like? With the help of Willard, Pageau, and Peterson, we attempt to answer this question.
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61
Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
In Luke's final episode in the Genesis Series, he attempts to address more basic questions about what the Biblical text is doing on earth in Genesis. What kind of text is it? How does it operate? And how are we meant to take that?
Mackie Lecture: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6LJ75lxHWUvZfeHb3gXvZx?si=d851c4d9ff9b43ac
Walton Lecture 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR82a-iueWw&t=664s
Walton Lecture 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KXhEpQWyx0&t=2981s
Pageau Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE8rcd9xEwA&t=0s
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61
Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Why its Impossible for You (I) to Pray | Divine Conspiracy Ch 9 | Pt 4| BP Ep 83
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
What is it about prayer that many find so difficult? What about spiritual disciples make them feel as though they are always at arm's length? How does our view of salvation affect how we engage with spiritual practices? Join Daniel and me as we go through the end of chapter 9 of The Divine Conspiracy, along with Shia Labeouf, to help answer some of these questions.
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61
Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Watch part 1 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ewxgvw2Ykc&t=4s
Watch the whole series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1L8u1Y97Ncyw59_c6xoj_jZpVsTwccZo In part 2,
I continue my investigation with "The BEMA Podcast" on the structure of the creation story in Genesis. We find the center of the poem and explore more of what C.S. Lewis has to say on the subject in "The Screwtape Letters."
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61
Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
C.S. Lewis and BEMA Changed my Mind on Genesis | Pt. 1| | Genesis Series Ep. 5
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
As I continue telling my journey through understanding Genesis, I have reached the climax. This bit will be 2 episodes. In number 1, I will discuss the relationship between the Eastern and Western ways of using words and numbers through the BEMA Podcast. I tie this in with C.S. Lewis's opening in "Mere Christianity."
Part 2 is Coming Soon!
BEMA Intro Lesson: https://www.bemadiscipleship.com/0
Genesis Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppaWVYGcK6g&list=PL1L8u1Y97Ncyw59_c6xoj_jZpVsTwccZo
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61 Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier.
Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Many of us experience the desire for change, but it often doesn't stick. Why is that? What is it about our desires that are at once so rapturious and so fleeting? As we look at chapter 9 of "The Divine Conspiracy," we will see how the physical transformation of Penn Gillette, Dallas Willard, and Jesus all say the same thing about desire and change.
Penn Gillette Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NelIXCuuSZ0&t=405s
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61
Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
About 6 months ago, Kat Von D went onto Allie Beth Stuckey's podcast. They talked about her conversion, and Kat shared stories of the backlash she has experienced due to her appearance. She also sheds light on why she doesn't like modern worship music. These clips help us dive into Willard's words from "The Divine Conspiracy" regarding our out-of-order values in personal transformation.
Kat on 'Relatable': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLfIjbOXgY0
Follow us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-belfast-podcast/id1472441982
Follow us on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1s3aaP3pUkQKBVXbsP8Y34?si=ca588a6165424c61 Instagram: @thebelfastpodcast
Email: belfastpodcast@gmail.com
The Belfast Podcast exists to help recapture the Christian imagination. Luke and Daniel see the trend of modernism doing no favors for a vibrant view of scripture. Our goal is to widen the field of vision for modern people reading the Bible as we grapple with its ancient context, literary beauty, and symbolic underpinnings. You may have been taught to read texts with an eye for their literary and symbolic structures in English courses in high school and/or college, but rarely is this taught to seminary students or lay Christians alike when it comes to the Bible. We want to keep this eye for symbolism, repetition, and structure as we investigate the Biblical canon, linking it to modern and old examples that are extemporaneous yet connected to aid in giving the broader field of vision mentioned earlier. Come along with us on our journey to reread your bible for the first time. We hope that through the words of those who have come before us, we can give Western Christianity its imagination back.